The following are some examples of same-day global games, activities, and challenges from Chat GPT to help you understand what we’re thinking. While we’re not necessarily considering any of these, it’s a good starting point. But if you like any, let us know. Please sign up below to be notified when we announce the first one. Thanks so much.

  • Crisis Education Drives: Organize public street theater or other engaging events to educate the public about various crises around the globe, using humor and entertainment to raise awareness.

  • World Peace Parade: Conduct a global parade (virtual or physical, where possible) celebrating all nations and cultures, emphasizing the need for peace and unity.

  • Global Laughter Yoga: Promote mental health awareness by organizing a worldwide simultaneous laughter yoga event. This can serve as a stress reliever and create a sense of global unity.

  • Public Art for Change: Encourage people worldwide to create public art installations in their communities that highlight global issues and stimulate conversations about solutions.

  • International 'Switch Off' Day: Coordinate an international event where participants reduce their energy use for a day to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable living.

  • Guerrilla Gardening: Promote a global day of guerrilla gardening where participants plant trees or gardens in their local communities to combat deforestation and promote urban greening.

  • Global Human Rights Role Play: Organize a worldwide role-play or simulation game where participants take on the roles of individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds, countries, and cultures to foster empathy and understanding of diverse life experiences.

Each of these activities combines aspects of activism, education, humor, surprise, and joy, all aimed at bringing about positive change in the world. The idea is to make activism fun and engaging, allowing for widespread participation and a greater understanding of the pressing issues that we face globally.

  • World's Largest Virtual Choir for Peace: Organize a massive online gathering of people singing a song of unity and peace, attempting to break a world record.

  • Reverse Roles Day: People worldwide are encouraged to switch roles with someone else, like a boss with an employee, or a teacher with a student. This can raise awareness about different perspectives and experiences.

  • Global 'Trash Fashion' Show: A worldwide event where participants create and model outfits made from recycled or trash materials, bringing attention to the issue of waste and promoting recycling and sustainability.

  • Human Rights Monuments: Organize the simultaneous unveiling of monuments or installations in various cities around the world dedicated to overlooked human rights heroes.

  • 24-Hour Worldwide Charity Relay: Create a worldwide relay race where participants across different time zones pass the baton every hour. Each leg of the race raises funds for a different charitable cause.

  • World's Largest Simultaneous Planting: Set a date and time for a global event where everyone plants a tree at the exact same time, emphasizing the importance of reforestation and unity in addressing climate change.

  • Global Silent March for Mental Health: A worldwide march, held both in-person and virtually, where participants don't say a word, signifying the silent struggle of mental health issues.

  • 'Earth Hour' Extension: Encourage cities around the world to turn off their lights for an entire night, not just an hour. The aim is to raise awareness about energy consumption and light pollution, creating a striking visual for media coverage.

  • Global Virtual Reality Experience: Using VR technology, let participants experience the life of someone living in extreme poverty or the immediate effects of climate change. This immersive experience can help people understand the urgency of these issues.

  • Mass Meditation for Peace: Organize a worldwide simultaneous meditation session for peace and unity. Attempt to break a world record for the largest ever meditation session.

  • International Food Swap: Encourage participants globally to prepare and share meals from different cultures to foster understanding and appreciation of diversity.

  • 'A Mile in My Shoes' Global Walk: A worldwide event where people are encouraged to walk a mile while listening to the recorded stories of individuals from different walks of life, promoting empathy and understanding.

  • Global Homelessness Awareness Sleep-Out: People around the world spend a night outside to raise awareness about homelessness and to stand in solidarity with those who experience it.

  • World Record Attempt for Clean-Up: Organize a global effort to set the record for the most trash collected in a day. This can help raise awareness about the amount of waste we produce.

  • World's Largest Virtual Class: An online event where a renowned expert gives a lesson on a pressing global issue, like climate change or systemic inequality, aiming to set a record for the largest virtual class.

  • Worldwide Water Walk: Participants globally walk a distance carrying heavy jugs of water to symbolize the struggle many people face in accessing clean water.

  • International Dance for Diversity: A coordinated, worldwide dance flashmob celebrating cultural diversity and unity, with different countries contributing different dance moves.

  • 'Switch Off Social Media' Day: A global initiative where participants refrain from using social media for 24 hours to raise awareness about its impact on mental health and the spread of misinformation.

  • Psychedelic Art Fair: Organize a global event where artists create and display works inspired by their experiences with legal psychedelic substances. This can raise awareness about these substances' potential for fostering creativity and self-exploration.

  • Virtual Sensual Dance Festival: Organize a worldwide online festival where participants engage in various types of dance that celebrate human sensuality and expression.

  • Global Psychedelic Symposium: A series of virtual talks and discussions led by experts on the potential therapeutic use of legal psychedelics for mental health treatment, fostering understanding and destigmatization.

  • Sensual Gastronomy Experience: Create a worldwide event where participants prepare and indulge in meals designed to awaken all senses, celebrating the sensuality of food.

  • World Meditation on Psychedelic Insights: Coordinate a global, simultaneous meditation session focusing on insights gained from legal psychedelic experiences.

  • Virtual Psychedelic Film Festival: Showcase films from around the world that explore the psychedelic experience and its potential implications for society, consciousness, and mental health.

  • World's Largest 'Sound Bath': Organize a global, simultaneous sound bath—an immersive, full-body listening experience that aims to promote relaxation and mental clarity.

  • Global Psychedelic Music Festival: A music festival celebrating genres influenced by the psychedelic experience, like psytrance, acid rock, and psychedelic pop.

  • Sensual Yoga Retreat: An international event encouraging participants to connect with their bodies and senses through yoga and mindfulness practices.

  • Psychedelic Mural Creation: An event where communities worldwide are encouraged to create murals inspired by the psychedelic experience, fostering global unity and appreciation for psychedelic art.

It's crucial that these events emphasize the safe, responsible, and legal use of psychedelics and that they create spaces where people feel safe exploring sensuality. Engaging the media with these topics respectfully and carefully could foster a deeper public understanding of both psychedelics and sensuality.

  • "Rising Sea Levels" Global Performance: Inspired by Improv Everywhere's creativity, stage a public performance in major cities worldwide, where participants mimic actions like swimming or rowing in city streets to represent rising sea levels due to climate change.

  • Worldwide "Equality Freeze": Arrange a globally synchronized event where people stop and "freeze" in public spaces to signify the need to pause and reflect on social and economic inequalities.

  • "Endangered Species Parade": People worldwide dress up as endangered animals and march in their local areas. This unique visual event could raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the ongoing extinction crisis.

  • "Global Hunger Banquet": Organize events worldwide where the disparity in meal sizes represents income inequality, similar to Oxfam's Hunger Banquet. It’s a memorable, interactive event that brings statistics about poverty to life.

  • "Future News Broadcasts": Similar to Yes Men's approach, create fake future news broadcasts that illustrate the potential negative outcomes of our current crises if they remain unchecked.

  • "No Car Day": A worldwide event where participants avoid using cars for a day to emphasize the importance of reducing our carbon footprint.

  • "The World is Watching" Virtual Protests: Utilizing the power of online platforms, organize simultaneous virtual protests against pressing issues like war, climate change, or human rights abuses.

  • "Refugee for a Day" Experience: Participants worldwide spend a day experiencing what it might be like to be a refugee - this could include walking a significant distance, rationing food, etc.

These concepts maintain an international focus, embodying humor, surprise, and activism to spark conversations about pressing issues, make people stop and think, and ultimately inspire action. The goal is to attract media attention, raise public awareness, and pressure decision-makers to bring about change.

  • "One Day Without Water": Encourage participants worldwide to go for 24 hours without using water to highlight the plight of those living in water-scarce regions.

A debt jubilee refers to canceling debts to reset financial systems and provide relief to individuals. Grassroots movements advocating for such a debt jubilee are largely focused on societal and economic reform.

  • "Burning Debt" Performances: In public squares worldwide, stage performances where symbolic 'debts' are burned, raising awareness about the need for a debt jubilee.

  • "Free From Debt" Day Celebrations: Organize a worldwide day where people celebrate what their lives would look like free from debt. They could create art, share stories, or hold community gatherings to visualize a world without personal debt.

  • ‘Debt-Free Future" Mural Creation: Encourage communities worldwide to create murals depicting a future free of debt, helping to inspire hope and conversation around the idea of a debt jubilee.

  • "Break the Chains of Debt" Marches: Organize global marches symbolizing breaking free from the 'chains' of debt, raising awareness, and mobilizing support for the cause.

These events are designed to draw attention to the issue of personal debt and the concept of a debt jubilee. By making the problem tangible and human, it's more likely to resonate with a broad audience and encourage action toward debt forgiveness.

Raising awareness and interest in the potential of extraterrestrial life and advanced cosmic technologies can undoubtedly make for some engaging and unique events. Here are ten ideas that focus on the theme of celestial communication and its possible implications for our ecological crisis:

  • "Cosmic Connection" Mediation Sessions: Organize global synchronized meditation sessions to establish a peaceful connection with potential extraterrestrial life.

  • "Contact Day" Festivals: Host worldwide festivals celebrating the possibility of extraterrestrial life, including speakers, meditation workshops, art installations, and more, all focused on making 'contact'.

  • "Starlight Vigils": Conduct worldwide night-time vigils where participants gather to gaze at the stars, meditate, and share collective thoughts of peace and requests for ecological assistance.

  • "Cosmic SOS" Art Installations: Encourage artists globally to create installations symbolizing our planetary distress signal, prompting discussion about possible celestial help.

  • "Galactic Garden" Project: Create community gardens worldwide designed with patterns visible from above (like crop circles), symbolizing a welcoming message to extraterrestrial life.

These events can help encourage open-minded discussion about our place in the universe, our ecological responsibilities, and the possibilities that may lie beyond our planet, even as they engage people in a collective meditation on peace, contact, and cosmic assistance.